The local church mobilized.

An initiative that enables the local church to implement a hands-on benevolence plan that spreads the love of Jesus within their locality.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the local community to understand their needs and build meaningful relationships.

Benevolence Programs

Developing and implementing practical programs that address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the community.

Church Empowerment

Equipping and empowering local churches to become centers of positive change within their communities.

Launching in toronto

Join us and learn about this new intiative.

We’re excited about the potential the future holds. With Care Circles, your church has the opportunity to access a wealth of invaluable resources and goods, amplifying the positive effect on our city. However, that’s only the starting point. We’re ready to provide you with a strategic guide to fully seize this chance.

We aim to collaborate with 20 churches initially, setting up our premier Care Circles in Toronto.

If you’d like to explore further, kindly fill out the form below, and someone from our team will get in touch with you.

Start a circle in your neighbourhood and transform our city with God’s love.